Was Euch erwartet?
Interviews, Keynotes und Panel Diskussionen live von unseren Events und Conferences, kombiniert mit hand-picked Sessions aus unserem Kölner Podcast-Studio mit einigen der spannendsten Persönlichkeiten unserer Branche und weiteren, interessanten Bereichen.
#41 Data Protection & Third Party Management
Is data protection actually still a big deal? We hear this question quite often.
To answer it succinctly: YES. It is.
By the way, this episode is especially interesting if you look at your display while watching it: Daniel takes you through graphical representations and gives you advice on how to implement them.
Video is Spotify exclusive, but we have all content on demand on our website. hospitalityindustry.club
By the way: If you listen to Daniel, you will learn to love the topic of data protection!
👉 Our expert on LinkedIn: Daniel Johnson, Venza
👉 HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#40 Vendor selection: Princes or Toads?
Dear hoteliers: This episode is just for you.
We know how hard it can be to choose the right providers.
Not only do we know this firsthand, but we also see and hear it from our customers in opensmjle cosmos.
That’s why this episode is all the more important for you!
Linda talks candidly about the challenges of finding the right providers as a hotelier.
Obvious secret fact: the way of the whole process needs to be holistically considered and thought about.
With Linda’s help, you’ll get a new perspective on this topic. New approaches with as little effort as possible included.
So. Now I’ll let our expert speak for herself.
👉 Our expert on LinkedIn: Linda Vallner, Protel
👉 HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#39 How to upsell more guest data
Still not enough about digitalization and automation? Congratulations!
Looking at the data and files around this podcast, there’s a lot I need to clean up. But that’s another topic.
Since it’s not just us, but a lot of hoteliers, we invited an expert in this data field: Sandro.
He will not only give you valuable tips and tricks, he’ll also provide you with a guide on how to properly analyze and clean up your data. Specifically, he talks about guest segmentation, personalization and upselling.
Don’t believe it?
Well, listen to it for yourself!
Enjoy the latest HIC Hotelcast episode.
Our expert on LinkedIn: Sandro Christofori, Revinate
HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#38 Next level of hotel sales: Digitale SITE Inspections als GameChanger für die Hotelbranche
Yeah! Endlich wieder eine HIC Hotelcast Episode über Digitalisierung! Whooho!
Dieses Mal allerdings über ein ganz besonderes Thema: Die digitale SITE inspection. Jap. Richtig gehört. Site Insepction in Digital.
Game Changer für die Hotelbranche? Das entscheidet ihr am besten selbst.
Viel Spaß mit dieser HIC Hotelcast Episode, powered by Duetto.
Our expert on LinkedIn: Feray Ozcan, Allseated
HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#37 How to get visibility to increase your Direct Sales Quota
Hands up, if you as a hotelier have an online presence in any form.
I’ll do an imaginary count and see… All hands up. Perfect!
Then today’s episode is just right for you. Our experts Estefania, André & Artem discuss strategies on how to get the most out of your online presence. And how to increase your sales at the same time.
Don’t believe me? Okay.
Then listen in for yourself!
Enjoy this HIC Hotelcast episode, powered by Duetto.
Our experts on LinkedIn: Estefania Livi, Mirai
André Bressel, Hotelchamp
Artem Polishchuk, Koddi
HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#36 Changes in Hospitality: Outsourcing vs. Inhouse
I can’t list as many challenges as we’re currently facing in the hotel industry without writing an unnecessarily long intro.
Therefore, I’ll give the floor directly to Daniel.
Our hospitality and marketing nerd gets to the heart of the problems and gets to the root of the solutions.
What will everyday hotel life look like in the future? Digital only? Only offline? Maybe a mix of both or something completely different?
How has the hospitality tech industry actually developed in recent years? And where to?
Let’s go, Daniel and Alex!
Enjoy the latest HIC Hotelcast episode, powered by Allseated. By the way, you can also watch it as a video on Spotify.
Our experts on LinkedIn: Daniel Zelling, HIC & opensmjle.
Alexander Schuster, HIC & opensmjle.
HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#35 Die Macht der OTAs für den eigenen Verkauf nutzen
OTAs sind mächtig. Okay. Wissen wir.
ABER mal so nebenbei: Wusstet ihr auch, dass wir alle von der Macht der OTA’s profitieren können?
Ne, ne?
Und wie das geht? Eeeasy.
Unsere Experten Doreen und Pontus erklären euch in der heutigen HIC Hotelcast Episode ganz genau und anhand von Beispielen, wie ihr von OTA’s profitieren könnt.
Übrigens: Sollte euch « nur hören » nicht genügen.. Auf unserer Website gibts auch ne Menge zum « hören und sehen » gleichzeitig. Okay. Wow. Sorry dafür- wir wollten lediglich auf unsere On Demand Video Inhalte aufmerksam machen.
Jetzt aber: Viel Spaß mit dieser HIC Hotelcast Folge.
Unsere Experten auf LinkedIn: Pontus Berner, Berner+Becker Revenue Management
Doreen Leithold, Berner+Becker Revenue Management
HIC auf LinkedIn & unsere Website
#34 Sustainability? No need to be scared!
A big topic that not only gives many hoteliers a headache, but sometimes also scares them! Where do I start? How do I approach it properly? Will it break my costs? Sometimes, however, you just have to get started and see where the journey takes you. We bring people on stage who are just starting this journey or are already in the middle of it. Sharing experiences. Learning from experiences. That is our motto!
Our experts on LinkedIn: Susan Meinl, Susan Meinl Consulting
Martin Stockburger, Koncept Hotels
Björn Nilse, HRS Group
Our host on LinkedIn: Lars von der Wettern, Singular Places
HIC on LinkedIn & our website
#33 Hotel Operations 2022: Whats’s going to change?
Do we need to talk about hotel operations again? Yup. We have to. So, what’s new in 2022? Why can’t we get enough of this topic? And what needs to change asap? Our hotel pros will try to answer these questions and include buzz words like new work models, salaries, and 4-day weeks.
We put our operations experts Nastaran, Sebastian, and Markus together on a stage and let them discuss.
The result? A looot of input on all things Operations. Questions, solutions, and advice are included as always.
Enjoy today’s HIC Hotelcast episode, live from Berlin and powered by Allseated.
Our expert on LinkedIn: Nastaran Anjileli, Straiv by Code2Order
Sebastian Horn, LFPI Hotels Management Deutschland
Markus Leu, SMARTments business
HIC on LinkedIn & our website
#32 Revenue Management meets Marketing: The new dream team?
Any revenue management nerds and at the same time marketing experts out there? 👀
Yes? Great!
So, this episode is for you and all the hoteliers hoteliers!
On our CoCoBe Main Stage, Tini, Sophie, Deniel and Pontus discuss revenue management meets marketing and answer if that combo is the new dream team. There is hardly any other industry with such a lack of employees as the hospitality industry, which is why our experts are going into the question « can one person do revenue management and marketing at the same time?
The next 30 minutes are packed with exciting discussions and interesting questions from the audience.
Enjoy the latest HIC Hotelcast episode, live from Berlin, powered by Allseated.
#31 How to Combine the Physical and Digital Guest Journey
Let’s face it: we all love learning new things.
But most of all, we love to be inspired by learnings from other industries. And why not? Why shouldn’t learnings from other industries be possible in the hospitality industry, in a modified form?
Marion from Student Hotel Berlin was asked a lot of expert questions about all things digitization in the hospitality industry and, of course, answered them.
How important is it to improve the digital visibility of a hotel, how can we make the best of existing, physical features?
And of course, when we have a hotelier sitting next to Daniel, we don’t just ask what’s possible, we ask most importantly: what have you already implemented and how has it changed the concept and guest experience of The Student Hotel?
So enjoy this HIC Hotelcast episode, live from our CoCoBe in Berlin. Powered by Allseated.
#30 A Hoteliers Perspective: How do I select my Tech Stack?
#29 Hotel Operations 2022
#28 New Investments: How is the industry changing?
What do you think of when you hear the word « investment »?
We all had a similar, yet somehow different idea in our heads. So we invited Julius Anders to join our podcast and talk about just that.
Julius reveals what he has planned with his current 45 million euro investment with numa, what opportunities, possibilities and what risks there are for hoteliers in the current times.
The episode has so much input that it doesn’t even fit into this caption! So… go right ahead and tune in!
Enjoy our HIC Hotelcast episode, powered by Allseated.
#27 NFTs & Metaverse in der Hotellerie
« NFTs & Metaverse »..Warte, was?
Egal ob Gen Z oder Boomer, NFTs und Metaverse sind alles andere als cringe Jugendsprache: Diese Begriffe werden immer wichtiger für uns und für die Hospitality Industry.
Und alle, die jetzt überlegen ob sie sich unsere neueste Episode überhaupt anhören sollen, wenn sie doch den letzten Satz schon nicht verstanden haben… Keine Sorge, mir geht es ähnlich. Und genau deshalb haben wir Feray von Allseated in unser Kölner Podcaststudio eingeladen: Damit er etwas Licht ins Dunkel bringt und ausführlich aufklärt, was NFTs und Metaverse sind. Und vor allem auch wieso sie in unserer Branche immer wichtiger werden.
Viel Spaß bei dieser HIC Hotelcast Episode, powered by Allseated.
#26 The meeting room of the future
Previous episode the city hotel of the future, now the meeting room of the future.
Coincidence? We’ll never know…
Today’s episode is not only for our MICE-nerds out there, but for everyone who is even slightly involved with having meeting as their daily business.
Fun fact: There are a lot of them. 😉
Live from our CoCoCoCo in Cologne, our hospitality tech experts get together and talk about the increasing demand for new types of meeting rooms as a workspace or for events. They discuss the main challenges that come with this demand and how companies cope with it and come up with new solutions that are here to stay.
Future, here we come!
Dear Anna, Sabine, Linda, and Wilko, have fun with our host Daniel on our CoCoCoCo Main Stage, powered by Duetto!
#25 The city hotel of the future: What to do when business travel gets less?
The city hotel of the future. Uff. Wow.
Honestly… 2022 sounded at least as crazy in the 90s as « the city hotel of the future » does today. Or is it just us?
Pretty sure we’re not alone with this thought. That’s why we have three top-notch experts from our industry sitting here alongside our awesome host Alex to discuss this exact topic. Hoteliers and tech providers talk about challenges of new ways of working and the resulting decline in business travel.
Felizitas, Neha, Philip, we’re really excited to hear your proposed solutions for the City Hotel of the Future.
Enjoy this HIC Hotelcast episode, live from our CoCoBe in Berlin and powered by Allseated.
#24 Das moderne Hotel
Gibt es in eurem Hospitality Universum auch die „alte“ und die „neue“ bzw. „moderne“ Hotellerie? Ja? Perfekt!
Denn in diesem Gespräch zwischen Felizitas Denz, Hotel Managerin der east Group und unserer Moderatorin Laura geht es um genau das: Die neue und moderne Hotellerie.
Neben der Ausrichtung des gesamten Hotels, F&B Konzepten, Nachhaltigkeit, Employer branding und auch Nachbarschaft, gibt Feli spannende Insights des East Hamburg preis, und verrät, wie es das Hotel geschafft hat, das Standing zu erreichen und vor allem auch zu halten, dass es nunmal hat.
Tipps und Hacks inklusive. Versprochen!
Viel Spaß mit dieser Episode unseres HIC Hotelcasts, powered by Allseated.
#23 New Work Models within Hospitality Industry
In one of our previous Hotelcast episodes, we already looked at, how technology can help, close the talent gap in our industry.
But shouldn’t we look beyond this, and analyze how companies in other industries attract and keep the most talented people?
How do modern hospitality organizations approach this issue, how can we find new talents, even without a background in hospitality, and how can we motivate people to become and stay part of our industry?
This panel will discuss approaches, incentives, modern on-the-job and health care training for our most valuable asset in the industry, our employees.
Our amazing host Liza digs into all these questions and leads an exciting Panel together with our experts Svenja, Alexandra, Daniel, Dorian and Philip.
Guys, we hope you enjoy this panel of our CoCoCoCo Main Stage, powered by Duetto. Have fun!
#22 Female Empowerment within Hospitality Industry
Would the world be a better place if there were more women in leadership positions?
Since the greater part of people working within the hospitality industry are women, they feel quite underrepresented not only on the conference stages, but also in leadership positions.
This panel will discuss strategies to overcome this inequality and help position all those women who are not only talented, but also skilled and experienced.
We can’t emphasize enough the importance of this topic and invited some of the most influential and talented women in the industry to our CoCoCoCo Main Stage, to speak out and raise their voices.
Ladies, now have fun on our Main Stage, powered by Duetto!
#21 PANEL – Ausbildung und die Neuordnung der Berufe
Vor knapp zwei Wochen haben wir bereits mit Sascha Dalig, Experte in Sachen Education innerhalb der besten Branche ever, über Ausbildungen und die Neuordnung der Berufe gesprochen. Und warum gibts heute dann die nächste Folge zum Thema?
Ganz klar!
Das Gespräch mit Sascha war vorbereitend auf das jetzt folgende Panel.
Eine Diskussion live von unserer CoCoBe aus Berlin, bis oben hin vollgestopft mit Fragen an unsere Expert:innen:
Wie sollte die Förderung junger Talente innerhalb der Hotellerie und Gastronomie aussehen? Was müssen wir tun, um den Nachwuchs generell zu fördern? Welche Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten bieten wir an? Wo brauchen wir Anpassungen? Und schließlich: Wie kann jeder von uns dazu beitragen, gute Talente zu bekommen?
Die Antworten liefern unsere Panelists und unser Moderator Philip Ibrahim, General Manager des The Student Hotel Berlin.
Liebe Sandra, lieber Hartwig und lieber Sascha, viel Spaß auf unserer CoCoBe Main Stage und allen anderen mit unserer neuen HIC Hotelcast Episode, powered by Allseated.
#20 The Future Starts Now: Is Your Hotel Ready for a Cookie-Free World?
Back again with this week’s episode and a really important topic that concerns all of us: THE FUTURE.
Sounds serious? Hell yes, it is! Our dear friend Marcel will talk about our shared future in the upcoming 25 minutes. More specifically, about how hoteliers are preparing for a cookie-free world.
He’ll explain, how to manage data along the guest journey and, additionally, he gives you insights on how to reimagine email marketing benchmarks combined with a water resistent “future-proofing” of your digital marketing strategy.
Dear Marcel, have fun on our CoCoCoCo Talk Stage, powered by Hotelbird!
#19 Ausbildung und die Neuordnung der Berufe
„9 Jahre Arbeit, x-verschiedene Parteien die ihren Beitrag geleistet haben und sich auf Grundlagen und Prinzipien einigen mussten.“ – So schreibt es Sascha Dalig, Regionaldirektor Zentraleuropa der Wyndham Hotel & Resorts auf LinkedIn, unser heutiger Gast des HIC Hotelcasts zum Thema Ausbildung & die Neuordnung der Berufe.
Seit dem 14. März ist es offiziell: Die neue Ausbildungsordnung für alle Berufe im Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe tritt in Kraft.
Kaum ein anderes Thema beschäftigt unsere Branche aktuell so sehr wie die Förderung und Ausbildung junger Talente.
Was wird sich mit der neuen Ordnung ändern und wie sieht diese überhaupt aus?
Unsere Moderatorin Liza quetscht Sascha ordentlich aus, damit ihr all die Antworten auf die aktuell wichtigsten Fragen bekommt!
Viel Spaß mit unserer neuen HIC Hotelcast Episode, powered by Allseated.
#18 Marketing Masterclass: New Hotel Marketing Perspectives
Let’s get real folks:
Marketing is one of the most commonly used terms across too many customer facing playgrounds.
To better define the real power behind FRESH approaches to marketing, we invited top-notch experts from our network to our Main Stage, powered by Duetto.
Marieke, Felix, Philip, Jackie and Leah spill their views, opinions and also secret recipes on how to body-slam right your digital endeavors. Enjoy the show, start to think different and get to realize why our moderator Laura had to do almost nothing during the panel.
Piece of cake. Mic drop.
#17 Revenue Management Talk with Michael Schäffner
Let’s start with a question:
Who would you like to discuss revenue management with the most if you only had 30 minutes?
Well, for us, that would definitely be Michael Schäffner.
Whenever we want to know what’s next in revenue management, we always reach out to Michael, or to Pontus, or to Wilko…. Anyway!
So, Michael, here we go! Tell us how you see the evolution in this part of our industry and which new strategies are planned.
Dear Michael, the stage is yours. Have fun on our interview stage with our aweeesomee host Liza!
#16 The Big Tech Bang: We can’t stop progress, but we can design it
You might think the title of this HIC Hotelcast episode « The Big Tech Bang » sounds a bit dramatic?
Well, as Felix said: « We can’t stop progress, but we can design it. »
Is our CoCoCoCo keynote speaker Felix Holzapfel right about this?
Everyone who read his book « Catch42 – A novel about our future » might agree instantaneously and I obviously got on the nerves of my entire team to read it. But hey, someone’s gotta do the job, right?
The next 15 minutes couldn’t be more exciting for me personally with Felix going at the ever-changing scientific and technological advances happening around us.
Get ready for a knitty gritty keynote sucking Felix’ brain about how our world will look like in the near future,… or not.
Let’s go Mr Triathlon, the Main Stage, powered by Duetto, is yours!
#15 Google Ads Workshop: Direktvertrieb steigern
So, jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische:
Hands up, wer Google Ads und Google Hotel Ads kennt. Und Hands down, wenn ihr eher schlecht als recht wisst, wie ihr mithilfe dieser Tools Euren Direktvertrieb steigern könnt.
Lasst uns kurz durchzählen… 1.. 2… Okay.
Für alle diejenigen unter Euch, dessen Hände unten sind, gibt es heute diese HIC Hotelcast Episode mit einem Google Workshop von Maurits.
In den nächsten 30 Minuten lernt Ihr, wie Ihr mithilfe von Google und Eurem Anzeigen Game, Euren Direktvertrieb steigern und auch stärken könnt. Maurits führt anhand detaillierter Beispiele durch den Workshop.
Glaubt Ihr nicht? Na dann.. Wetten, dass Ihr nach dieser Episode direkt mit Google Ads loslegen wollt?
Viel Spaß mit Maurits auf unserer HIC Talk Stage, powered by Hotelbird.
#14 Hotel Websites: Wie Conversion optimierte Arrangements den Verkauf stärken
Conversion optimierte Arrangements im Buchungsprozess auf Hotel Websites. Puhhh.
Der bisher längste Titel in unserer, zugegeben, noch nicht allzu langen HIC Hotelcast Geschichte. Auch wenn der Titel jetzt nicht suuuuper sexy klingt, hat die Folge es in sich:
Ronald spricht auf unserer CoCoCoCo Talk Stage, powered by Hotelbird, über die wichtigsten Aspekte, um den Verkauf über die eigene Hotel Website zu stärken. Und wer jetzt denkt „Wie, das wars schon?“, keine Sorge, das war es natürlich noch nicht.
Ihr bekommt in den nächsten 15 Minuten zusätzlich noch genug Take Aways, um direkt mit der Umsetzung loszulegen.
Ronald, the Stage is yours. Viel Spaß!
#13 Conversion Masterclass: the 4 Angles of Direct Conversion
This 40-minute episode is the stuffed potato mash-up with gravy you would expect with insights, experiences, solutions and most of all: a lot of know-how for you to take away. (Take away? Sounds a bit like visiting In-N-out-burger in LA, but this time take a seat and sipp on your vanilla shake, shake, shake….)
#12 The New Revenue Management Era: Take a walk in the park with us
Within the next 45 minutes our CoCoCoCo revenue management brains take a walk with us through the park of the future of revenue management. Will there be a new era soon, and if so, what will it look like?
Don’t you dare touching the pause button and start listening to our main stage recording, powered by Duetto.
#11 Qualitätsfaktoren im Revenue Management: Wo Marketing und Revenue Management zusammentreffen
Wer in unserer Branche Revenue Management hört, weiß im besten Fall sofort, wovon wir sprechen.
Aber wie fit seid Ihr, wenn es zusätzlich um Qualitätsfaktoren und Schnittstellen zum Marketing geht? Der HIC spricht viel mit Hoteliers, Tech Anbietern und Partnern aus der Branche über diese Themen, die Bühne überlassen wir aber dennoch den wirklichen Experten auf diesem Gebiet.
#10 E-Mobility: How to Profit From New Mobility Concepts
Huh? Still haven’t had enough of sustainability? Perfeeeect! We actually feel the same.
Fortunately, we covered this topic in great detail during our last CoCoCoCo conference.
E-mobility somehow still sounds kind of futuristic? Well, we already clarified in one of our first episodes that the flying cars from « Back to the Future » still do not exist. What a bummer!
And in all honesty: The idea to create new mobility concepts with e-mobility and PROFIT from them also sounds futuristic, but it isn’t.
#9 Climate Re-Shaping: Corporate Lodging and Their Impact on the Hotel Industry
Well don’t be afraid, we didn’t invite Greta nor Donald, so we’re not going to extremes here, but climate change affects us all, and impacts many aspects of our day-to-day lives. And our industry is not only affected, but at least partially responsible for it.
The good news:
In the next 30 minutes, Martin Biermann from HRS will walk us through handpicked examples on our Main Stage, powered by Duetto, of how all of us, but also the really huge companies, can help to fight climate change. Let’s do this, together.
#8 Talking ’bout future: The Green Hotel of the Future
We at HIC, and most of our beloved partners, try to act as green as possible. Unfortunately, we don’t always succeed.
So to educate ourselves, we invited amazing guests to our #CoCoCoCo stages, like Antonia from Mews.
Antonia presents selected best practices to provide us with a better understanding on the whole topic. So let’s join Antonia rocking the Talk Stage, powered by Hotelbird!
#7 Think Green – Sustainability as a Business Model
Raise your hand, if you also wonder, how sustainability works in our industry. Especially as a business concept. Is it even possible? And if so, how? Or more specific: What does it mean actually?
We invited a bandwagon of industry experts on this topic to this one. So lean back and enjoy our power panel on our main stage, powered by Duetto!
#6 Stationsbasiertes Fahrzeug-Sharing in der Hotellerie
Wir knüpfen direkt an unsere vorherige Folge an und steigen heute noch tiefer in das Thema E-Mobilität ein.
Um die Notwendigkeit der E-Mobilität innerhalb der modernen Hotellerie zu unterstreichen, geht es jetzt direkt mit Richard und Nils auf unserer Talk Stage, powered by Hotelbird, anhand des Best Cases Diehls’s Hotel.
#5 E-Mobility: Die Zukunft der Hotellerie
Woran denkt Ihr, wenn Ihr « E-Mobilität » hört?
Und woran, wenn es in Verbindung zu der Hotellerie steht?
Hakan spricht als E-Mobility Experte über die Relevanz und die Entwicklung dieses Sektors.
Er klärt auf und gibt Euch Tipps und Denkanstöße mit, warum E-Mobilität aus der modernen Hotellerie nicht mehr wegzudenken ist.
#4 Guest Segmentation – Essential Part Of a Successful Communication Strategy
Neha Born and Jackie Weiss are absolute cracks in all things guest segmentation which is one of the crucial parts within a successful communication strategy for hotels.
The following 20 minutes are packed with hands-on practices on how to outplay your peers and become a guest segmentation unicorn. That’s what we call full-service? Yes our dear HICfriends!
#3 In Data We Trust – The Power Of First Party Data
Since the title almost sounds like a sermon, we’ll be honest with you: « in data we trust ».
That’s as evident to us as the AMEN in church. Now this might sound like a self-fulfilling prophecy to you, right? Well obviously.
#2 Automation – How To Take The Leap Of Faith
Does „automation“ somehow still sound like science fiction for you? Kind’a like the flying cars from « Back to the Future?“
Well, then let’s find out more about automation within hospitality, and how it will make our lives easier.
#1 Hotel Tech Stack – The Evolution
Do you feel overwhelmed with selecting the right technology for your hotel?
Well, this episode might help:
The evolution of the hotel tech stack is the starting point for this 45 minutes expert discussion filled to the brim with exciting tech nerds from our CoCoCoCo event.
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